Splan pond project, New Brunswick, Canada
Splan Pond project in New Brunswick, Canada is 100 pct owned by KMG. It is located on historic Nickel region. Geostudies are currently underway for exploring for Nickel, Lithium and REE. The project is just 20 miles from US border of State of VT.
Tamreas Copperfields – Chile
KMG Chile owns 6000 hectares of TAMREAS COPPERFIELDS in Copiapo and Valpraiso regions of Chile. The deposits are traditional copper and iron deposits. These are in the vicinity of major producers and sea port. KMG is developing the project as world class Gold and Copper mines which has tremendous demand forecast continuing for decades.
Halls Creek Project
The Halls Creek Project (HCP) has historically produced 300koz of gold and has existing underground and open pit Ore Reserves of 86koz and Mineral Resources of 205koz. Large and Highly Prospective Gold Tenements Package ▪ HCP located east of Halls Creek town in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia ▪ HCM consists of 23 mining […]
Blue Hills
The Ridges Iron Ore Project is situated in the Far North of Western Australia, 165 kilometres by road south of Wyndham adjacent to the Great Northern Highway. The resource is located along the top of a ridge over an area approximately 200m wide x 3km long. The iron ore outcrops at surface and the ore […]
The Ridges
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