
The Halls Creek Project (HCP) has historically produced 300koz of gold and has existing underground and open pit Ore Reserves of 86koz
and Mineral Resources of 205koz.
Large and Highly Prospective Gold Tenements Package
▪ HCP located east of Halls Creek town in the Kimberley Region of Western
▪ HCM consists of 23 mining and exploration tenements covering 1,000+km2 , including three
main gold projects, Nicolson, Grants Creek and Mary River
▪ Previous owners only focus was on Nicolson as the mining and processing centre
▪ JORC Resource of 791kt ore @ 8.1 g/t for 205koz gold
▪ JORC Reserve of 276kt ore @ 5.6 g/t for 50koz gold
Future Development Underpinned by Revised Strategy
▪ Overlooked Open Pit Opportunity :
▪ Mining at Nicolson has been focused on underground operations
▪ Critical Mass: 2-3mt ore exploration target could support mill expansion to treat
lower grade but lower cost open pit mining operation
▪ Near mine open pitiable targets have been identified by existing drilling data
▪ Mary River as greenfield opportunity supported by historical mining and recent
drilling results
▪ Revised Underground Strategy:
▪ Significant capital development in place, 3 level of ore can be extracted with no
capex required in Wagtail South
▪ Existing high strip ratio open pit ore could be reached by existing underground
infrastructure with incline development
▪ All orebodies remain open at depth
▪ Exploration Upside
▪ Large, relatively underexplored package with multiple drill tested targets
requiring infill drilling and significant identified greenfield exploration potential
Existing Infrastructure
▪ 250ktpa processing plant (last operated in June 2023 and in a state of operational
▪ Existing tailings storage facility (TSF1 and 2, ~6-8 months capacity with scope for a
further lift )
▪ Third party operated power station on the tenure supplies the mine
▪ Access to fresh water from storm water harvesting and existing bore fields for
processing plant